2006–2008 Cuban transfer of presidential duties


The 2006–2008 Cuban transfer of presidential duties was a transfer of duties of the Cuban presidency from Fidel Castro to the first vice president, his brother Raúl Castro, following Fidel's operation and recovery from an undisclosed digestive illness believed to be diverticulitis.[1][2][3] Though Raúl Castro exercised the presidential duties of the state, Fidel Castro retained the title of President of Cuba, formally the President of the Council of State of Cuba, during this period.

The transfer of duties, which was announced on July 31, 2006, was in line with Article 94 of the Cuban Constitution, which states "In cases of the absence, illness or death of the president of the Council of State, the first vice president assumes the president’s duties".[4]

Fidel Castro had been in power since 1959 and President of Cuba since 1976. At the time of his operation in 2006, he was 79 years old. The full details of the illness have yet to be revealed by Cuban officials, which has fuelled speculation about the seriousness of his condition.

After a leading Spanish doctor visited Castro in December 2006 and announced that the Cuban leader was recovering from a digestive problem, Castro began to make occasional appearances on television, radio and print. According to Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez, who has made a number of visits to Havana during Castro's recovery period, his Cuban counterpart was "gaining ground" and had resumed "a good part of his duties" by April 2007.[5] Ricardo Alarcón, President of Cuba's National Assembly, stated that Fidel Castro would be fit to run for re-election to the assembly in 2008.[6]

On February 19, 2008 Fidel Castro announced that he would not stand for re-election as President at the next meeting of the National Assembly of People's Power.[7] Raúl Castro was elected President by the National Assembly on February 24, 2008.

July 2006 announcement

The transfer of duties was announced in a proclamation read on state television at 9:15 PM by Castro's secretary, Carlos Valenciaga. The proclamation appeared on the Granma website that night and was printed in Cuba's national newspaper Granma, the next day. In his statement of delegation, Castro stated: "the operation has obliged me to take several weeks of rest, at a remove from my responsibilities and duties". The proclamation transferred to his brother the functions as First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Cuban Communist Party, Comandante of the Armed Forces, President of the Council of State and of the Government of the Republic of Cuba. It transferred other functions to José Ramón Balaguer Cabrera, José Ramón Machado Ventura, Esteban Lazo Hernández and Carlos Lage Dávila.

Castro also announced in his statement that he had spoken to the Guayasamín Foundation, whose responsibilities included organizing his oncoming 80th birthday celebrations on August 13, 2006. He requested that the group postpone the anniversary until December 2, 2006, the 50th anniversary of the Granma Landing.[8] The letter ended with the Cuban leader's customary pronouncements: "Imperialism will never be able to crush Cuba. The Battle of Ideas will continue advancing. ¡Viva la Patria! ¡Viva la Revolución! ¡Viva el Socialismo! ¡Hasta la Victoria Siempre!".[9]

Illness timeline
















Reaction in the Americas


Along with well wishes from many leaders from around the world, the prime minister of the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis, Dr. Denzil Douglas wished the "political legend" Castro a swift recovery on behalf of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM). Douglas was unwavering in his support, saying, "At this challenging time for the people of Cuba, we of Caricom want them to know that we wish for President Fidel Castro a successful recovery, and soon. He has proven to be a great friend of the Caribbean and of all poor and developing countries struggling for a better life for their peoples."

Douglas also warned against trying to create instability during the transition, adding that "We in CARICOM sincerely hope that as President Castro...recovers, and acting President Raúl Castro takes on the very demanding responsibilities as Head of State, that there would be no adventurism on the part of any and from whatever quarter, to create problems for the Cuban people..."[31]

Thereafter Saint Lucia's Prime Minister Dr. Kenny Anthony also issued a series of well wishes for his Cuban counter-part. Dr. Anthony[32] said he was just as surprised as the Cuban people and the rest of the world by the sudden news of President Castro's illness. But, he added, he was "also confident that he is receiving the best medical care in the world, because the quality of health care in Cuba is exceedingly good and I'm sure he is being given the very best medical care. In his press release the Saint Lucian Prime Minister also said, "The Cabinet of Ministers, and indeed the people of Saint Lucia, have much admiration for the Cuban President and his personal interest in making humanitarian and social assistance available to Saint Lucia and the rest of the Caribbean, especially in the fields of health and education."

United States

On July 31, just hours prior to the announcement of Castro's condition, U.S. President George W. Bush told WAQI-AM, a Spanish-language radio station in Miami, "If Fidel Castro were to move on because of natural causes, we've got a plan in place to help the people of Cuba understand there's a better way than the system in which they've been living under. No one knows when Fidel Castro will move on. In my judgment, that's the work of the Almighty."[33] On August 2, Senator Robert Bennett (R-Utah) said President Bush told him the administration was surprised by the announcement of Castro's illness, "The president's comment was that everybody was caught by surprise, and we'll have to wait and see what U.S. action is necessary. I think all of us can say we had no idea this was coming."[34]

Senators met in Washington, D.C. to discuss "A Democratic Cuba After Castro", as many senators argued that the United States should have a plan in case the United States would need to offer any help to Cuba during a transfer of duties.

Cuban-American Senator Mel Martinez has stated that he and many other Cuban-Americans regard Raúl Castro as a temporary figure and not someone who can lead Cuba into the future.[35] This, of course, assumes that President Castro will in fact not return to power, a notion that cannot yet be confirmed.

There were celebrations among the large Cuban-American population of Miami, Florida, Jersey City, New Jersey, and several other smaller Cuban exile communities throughout the US opposed to the Cuban Revolution.

On August 3, 2006, the White House released the following statement.[36]

The United States is actively monitoring the situation in Cuba following the announcement of a transfer of power. At this time of uncertainty in Cuba, one thing is clear: The United States is absolutely committed to supporting the Cuban people’s aspirations for democracy and freedom. We have repeatedly said that the Cuban people deserve to live in freedom. I encourage all democratic nations to unite in support of the right of the Cuban people to define a democratic future for their country. I urge the Cuban people to work for democratic change on the island. We will support you in your effort to build a transitional government in Cuba committed to democracy, and we will take note of those, in the current Cuban regime, who obstruct your desire for a free Cuba. In the event of a transition in the Cuban government, we stand ready to provide humanitarian assistance as needed to help the Cuban people. It has long been the hope of the United States to have a free, independent, and democratic Cuba as a close friend and neighbor. In achieving this, the Cuban people can count on the full and unconditional support of the United States.

Since September, various doctors and US intelligence officials have gone on record to state that they believe Castro has cancer of the pancreas, stomach or colon and will not return to power.[37][38] An Associated Press report of November 2006 stated that multiple U.S. government officials believe Castro has terminal cancer and will not live through 2007.[39]

Latin America

President of Venezuela Hugo Chávez and President of Bolivia Evo Morales both made statements of support for Castro's recovery.[40] Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, the Brazilian president and a long-time friend of Castro, said "Cubans alone should decide on a possible presidential successor. The succession process is a decision the Cuban people will have to take".[41]

Numerous Latin American publications, including Peru's La República, and Bolivia's La Razón, ran front-page articles about the event, featuring pictures of a frail-looking Castro, head in hand. Others, such as Mexico City's La Crónica de Hoy and El Sol de México, focused on the bond between Castro and his brother Raúl, the former showing a picture of the two walking together, the latter a picture of an elderly Fidel with arm held aloft by Raúl.

Many segments of the Latin American press have viewed this as an event of extraordinary magnitude. For instance, a headline in Peru's La República declared Castro's cessation of duties to be "the end of an era", while Venezuela's El Universal said the event was "unprecedented in 47 years of power."[42]

On August 5 2006, the Brazilian newspaper Folha de São Paulo reported that Cuban authorities had informed Brazilian president Lula da Silva that Castro's health was much worse than what the Cuban government had previously admitted in public. According to the report, Castro is actually suffering from intestinal cancer and will be unable to resume control of the Cuban state.[43] The Brazilian government quickly denied that the report was accurate. Folha's editors responded to the government's denials by saying their sources were aides to the president.[44]

See also


  1. ^ "Spanish newspaper gives more details on Castro condition". CNN. Archived from the original on 2007-01-19. http://web.archive.org/web/20070119075555/http://www.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/americas/01/17/castro.condition/index.html. Retrieved 2007-01-17. 
  2. ^ "Proclama del Comandante en Jefe al pueblo de Cuba". Granma. 2006-08-01. http://www.granma.cu/espanol/2006/agosto/mar1/proclama-e.html. Retrieved 2006-08-01. 
  3. ^ "English Translation of Proclamation of the Commander in Chief to the People of Cuba". Granma. 2006-08-01. Archived from the original on August 28, 2006. http://web.archive.org/web/20060828122851/http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Proclamation_of_Cuban_transfer_of_duties_2006. Retrieved 2006-08-01. 
  4. ^ Proclamation by Fidel Castro to the people of Cuba
  5. ^ Castro almost better, Chavez says. BBC Online.
  6. ^ Castro 'to be fit to hold power'. BBC Online
  7. ^ "Castro resigns as Cuban president: official media". AFP. 2008-02-19. http://www.afp.com/english/news/stories/newsmlmmd.fce074e0275fae2a0c16383ec4973c96.191.html. Retrieved 2008-02-19. 
  8. ^ "Guayasamín Foundation agrees to Fidel’s request". Granma. 2006-08-01. Archived from the original on 2006-08-14. http://web.archive.org/web/20060814012541/http://www.granma.cu/INGLES/2006/agosto/mar1/32mensaje.html. Retrieved 2006-08-02. 
  9. ^ "Announcement from the President to the Cuban people". Granma. 2006-08-01. Archived from the original on 2006-08-13. http://web.archive.org/web/20060813183315/http://www.granma.cu/INGLES/2006/agosto/mar1/32proclama.html. Retrieved 2006-08-02. 
  10. ^ Nathan Crooks (2006-07-24). "Chile Pragmatic as Mercosur Summit Takes Sharp Turn to Left". The Santiago Times. http://www.tcgnews.com/santiagotimes/index.php?nav=story&story_id=11832&topic_id=1. Retrieved 2006-08-01. 
  11. ^ Ailing Castro cedes power to brother Kansas City.com
  12. ^ "Castro says condition is 'stable'". CBC News. 2006-08-01. http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2006/08/01/castro.html. Retrieved 2006-08-01. 
  13. ^ "Cuba plans peaceful succession". Channel 4 News. 2006-08-07. http://www.channel4.com/news/content/news-storypage.jsp?id=26148970. Retrieved 2006-08-07. 
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  16. ^ Though Frail, Castro Denies He's Dead New York Times. October 29
  17. ^ "Cuban official recants Castro prediction". Associated Press. 2006-11-06. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20061106/ap_on_re_la_am_ca/cuba_castro. 
  18. ^ CNN. Archived from the original on December 28, 2006. http://web.archive.org/web/20061228080904/http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/americas/12/02/cuba.castro.reut/index.html. 
  19. ^ BBC NEWS | Americas | Spanish surgeon examines Castro – BBC, 25 December 2006: Surgeon 'flew in to treat Castro'
  20. ^ Spanish Doctor Is Said to Be Aiding Castro - New York Times – The New York Times, 25 December 2006: Spanish Doctor is Said to Be Aiding Castro
  21. ^ Asthana, Anushka (2006-12-26). "Castro does not have cancer, says Spanish doctor". London: Times Online. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,11069-2519372,00.html. Retrieved 2006-12-26. 
  22. ^ Condition Report on CNN.com
  23. ^ Report from Juventud Rebelde (in Spanish)
  24. ^ Miami Herald – Weak Castro in new video
  25. ^ Cuba's Fidel Castro feeling stronger in live phone call to Venezuela radio program - English pravda.ru
  26. ^ Top Chinese official meets Castro in Havana
  27. ^ No Sign of Castro on May Day in Cuba
  28. ^ MSNBC
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  32. ^ St Lucia government website
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